Borland C++ 6 + debug WPRteDefs.pas

  • Borland C++ 6 update 4
    WPTools 6.13

    When checking the possible breakpoints in WPRteDefs.pas, they usually* looks fine until reaching TWPCursorCharAttrInterface.EndUpdate (on line 31200-something) where they suddenly disappears only to reappear a few thousand lines later but this time a few lines out-of-sync with the source. I suspect that the problem is the enoumous size of the file (we have seen this problem before with large files) but I can't say for sure. Needless to say this makes it really really hard to understand why wptools behaves in a certain way when checking for errors. So, is this a known problem? Any suggestions how to solve this (upgrading from Borland C++ 6 is not an option)?

    *) sometimes all breakpoints in the whole file is out-of-sync with the source


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Sorry, I cannot help here since I do not have experience with later C++ Builder versions. I found Rad Studio 2006 most stabil and complete though and use it to compile most tools. (Or Delphi 2010 for unicode)
