COMPDF_StampText is not Generating any StampText...

  • Hi Julian,

    I was trying to add a StampText using following commands but I'm not able to see any output on my generated PDF? Can you please help?

    Code: ---------------------------------------------------
    TBasePtr<TStringList> StampScript = new TStringList;
    //StampScript->Add("Color=1 0 0"); // Color Red
    StampScript->Add("@ Page nubering part 1 - roman");
    StampScript->Add("Origin = 2");
    StampScript->Add("-40,-25 = [#]");
    //StampScript->Add("72,72= <-- Please Sign Here");

    // Printing a Custom Signature Marker for PDF generated.
    WPViewPDF->CommandStrEx(COMPDF_StampText, StampScript->Text, 0 );
    I was trying to somewhat follow the WPViewPDF3 documentation provided to us with our purchase of wPDF3 and WPViewPDF3.
    but not StampText is generated although my PDF generation was working fine. We are using XE4 for development.

    Please help...

  • Hi Julian,

    Just to Verify if I have all the latest Binaries.
    With the latest setups I have
    wPDF300A.dll - Version
    wPDFViewPlus03.dll - Version
    Hope these are the latest ones.

    Also In the stamp list script below, there is no sample showing inserting of a JPEG image as a Stamp. Can you provide a decent example of the same.

    Font=Times New Roman

    Color=1 0 0
    72,72=Text at position 1:1 inch on page 1 only
    Color=0 0 0

    72,72=Text at all pages except for Page one

    Color=0 0.1 1
    72,30=Pagenumber [#]/[##]

    linecolor=1 0 0
    color=1 0 0
    re=90 190 150 40

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    A new build for WPViewPDF has been posted yesterday. It contains a correction for the use of the numoffset and numformat command.

    The stamp script does not insert any images. Its purpose is to add page numbering to PDF files automatically. It can also be used to fill forms with data since those scripts can be created automatically from templates which contain placeholders, i.e. variable names.

    JPEG images can be added with Plus.UseImage, see manual in chapter:
    Tasks/Draw Shapes/AddImage.