Single line edit box (Version 4's WPTEdit)

  • I seem to remember a single line edit box in WPTools 4, didn't use it then but now I'd like to in order to provide live spell checking for data entry. I can't find it on the components installed. Has it disappeared and if so is it possible to emulate it with the WPRichText/DBWPRichText?

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    This object does it: (copy&paste!)

    object WPRichText1: TWPRichText  LayoutMode = wplayNormal  ScrollBars = ssNone  EditOptions = [wpActivateUndo, wpActivateUndoHotkey, wpNoVertScrolling]  XOffset = 15  Width=300  Height = 22end

    now add this:

    procedure TForm1.WPRichText1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
      Shift: TShiftState);
      if Key = VK_RETURN then key := 0;

    and you have a one line edit control.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von support (7. April 2006 um 08:34)