Small rendering problem in footer / page numbers

  • Hey ho.

    I'm inserting a footer with page numbering as "Page x / y" where x is current page number and y total page count. I do it something like this:

    par.Insert(0, 'Page ', txtplain);
    par.InsertNewObject(maxint, wpobjTextObject, false, false, txtplain).Name := WPTextFieldNames[wpoPageNumber];
    par.Insert(maxint, ' / ', txtplain);
    par.InsertNewObject(maxint, wpobjTextObject, false, false, txtplain).Name := WPTextFieldNames[wpoSectionNumPages];

    It works, but the [wpoSectionNumPages] part is formatted not very nice, the numbers overlap. The [wpoPageNumber] is ok. Here's how it looks:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    ("Sivu" is Finnish for "Page") It's showing page 15 / 15, and the first 15 is just fine but the second one is not.

    I haven't tried to fiddle with it much yet, so maybe I'm overlooking something obvious here?

    Antti Kurenniemi[/img]