cut/paste + ChangeApplied

  • WPTools 6.13

    ChangeApplied method
    "This procedure is called after the text has been changed."

    If CutToClipboard/PasteFromClipboard returns early (that is if no action is performed),
    ChangeApplied is sometimes stilled called which contradicts the documentation.

    TWPCustomRtfEdit.WMCut - ChangeApplied is never called!
    TWPCustomRtfEdit.KeyPress/cut - ChangeApplied always called.
    TWPCustomRichText.OnToolBarIconSelection/cut - ChangeApplied always called.
    TWPCustomRtfEdit.WMPaste - ChangeApplied only called if something actually has changed. Yeah!
    TWPCustomRtfEdit.KeyPress/paste - called three times if something actually has changed, otherwise called twice.
    TWPCustomRichText.OnToolBarIconSelection/paste - called two times if something actually has changed, otherwise called once.
