Translate (Localization?) of Dialogs

  • Hi,

    How do I translate the WPDialogs? (WPParagraphDlg, WPPagePropDlg, etc..)?

    I tried to look at the demo "Demos\Tasks\Localisation" but it just not compile on XE3 and the code is confusing for me.

    I tried to add a TWPLanguageControl do the form, set Active = True, and put this code on the OnLoaded event:

    WPLangInterface := TWPLocalizationInterface.Create(WPLanguageControl1);

    It just don't do anything. I set the propertie GlobalLanguage to "BR" and the propertie FileName to the XML "WPTools6_BR.XML" but it still doesnt do anything.

    I'm using WPTools 6.29 and Delphi XE3. What am I missing?

    Also, I own this copy of the standard WPTools6, I just saw that theres already the WPTools7, how do I check for prices and new features to upgrade?

    Thanks in advance!

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    You need to load the XML file into WPLanguageControl1 in the property dialog (doubleclick on the component).

    To upgrade please see here:…&quickbuy=0