• Are there any updates planned for this product?

    I have both your WPTools ad WPForm components, and, to be honest, the WPForm program is really what I need. But, there are a few features not present that I've tried to add myself without success. Just minor things, but important for my needs.

    Be willing to pay to have them added!

    Essentially, the only things I need are...

    1) text flow from one control to the other like the LinkEdit in WPTools, but with some added features like if the user make a "select all" comand it should select the text in all linked boxes. Oh, andthere may be more than ONE linked edit. For example, tere may be 4 single line boxes, and the text can flow through all of them.

    2) Formula to be a TStrings field rather than a String because you can't really put a complex formula in that uses multiple fields: TStrings would allow a copmlex formula that can be executed via a script. Maybe a pointer or variable to decalre the script engine component (for example, if the formua exists and the script control is not nil, it will run the formula using the named script control). Trid to use the WPEval, but since there is abosolutely NO documentation and no source code, I really can't use that.

    3) "down arrow" navigation that would move the focus to a field BELOW the current field instead of the next in the tab order OR a property that would allow the designer to select which controls to set focus on in case of an "up" or "down" key.

    Here are some items I already added, but would be nice to have built-in as properties. I added these features by using the "DesignTimeName" field and parsing a 10-chacacter string, each character representing a property:

    A) Allow transfer Out (if data changes, transfer the data to other same-name controls)
    B) Allow Transfer In (if the above happened, accept the data or not...sometimes we want SOME of he same name fields to be the same, but not always)
    C) Number Rounding Format (each different character represents a different rounding, such as NONE, 5, 10, 100, 500, etc.)
    D) Graphics Format (if object is Picture): stretch, actual size, fit width, etc.)
    E) Supress Zero (i.e. if value is 0 or null, display the "0" or leave field blank)
    F) Multiple Responses (my application allows the user to fill a field based on responses, and this tells me whether the program should set focus to the next control after a selection or stay in that field to allow the user to keep adding to the current field from the response list).
    G) Response Separator (if multiple responses are allowed as above, what should be placed between selections: comma, space and comma, etc.)
    H) Supress Commas (if numeric value, d you want to display commas for values over 999 or not.)
    I) Parse Response (in my application, a response the user can select from to fill the current field may be something like "CT-Ceramic Tile": parse response tells the program whether to place the WHOLE response in the field, take the FIRST part only ("CT") or take the SECOND part only "Ceramic Tile." This is useful for responses that may be entire paragraphs and can have abreviations for the user to select from)

    Now, the last five are obviously things most people wouldn't want, but I think the first few are useful. Because I have to parse the DesignTimeName to get the value for each of the above, it is very slow moving from field to field. Would likely be faster if these (or most of them) were inherent properties of the TWPGraphic.

    I'm trying to add them, but I'm not that smart.