• I am working on a solution that dynamically adds database tables to the form. The user selects a table, the table gets it's fields listed in the object inspector and from there the user can drag and drop the database fields.

    But now I need a simple solution to delete these tables again from the form. Thus, the related band must be removed and the related form fields must be deleted. And although it's not easy to find the form fields linked to the table, this is still easy to do.

    My problem is that I need some solution to determine which table the user wants to delete. I can show a popup menu when the user right-clicks in the object inspector on some band header, but how do I know which band the user clicked on? Where doesn't seem to be a method for this. And the bands themselves don't seem to have any events either.

    I would prefer that I don't need to present a separate dialog where I need to list the tables the user can delete...