• Hello again,
    I have a button to the right of a RichText. When clicking this button it moves the Rich Text cursor to a location I have stored in a label. I then call RichText.SetFocus. My hopes were the user would see the blinking cursor in the richtext right where I put it. However the cursor does not appear until the user presses a button.

      index := 0;
      for i := 0 to Editor.TextObjects.ObjCount-1 do
          if Editor.TextObjects.ObjList[i].Name = 'SLIDE' then
              if index = slide-1 then Editor.CPPosition :=   Editor.TextObjects.ObjList[i].ParentPosInPar + Editor.TextObjects.ObjList[i].ParentPar.Position+2;

    Thank you for any help.

  • It would seem time fixes all problems. Or most of them anyway.

    From another function used earlier I was leaving some text selected. Turns out when text is selected the cursor is invisible. Clearing the selected text fixed my problem.