Possible memory leak in WPDF?

  • I have an applicaiton where I am createing many PDF documents in a loop. It works for many iterations (about 800+), but then fails throwing memory errors. Here is the Code:

    function TForm1.WriteToPDF(pageIndex: Integer; var fileName: String) : Boolean;
    var pdf : TWPPDFExport;
    fileName := FormatDateTime('mmddyyhhmmss', now) + '.PDF';
    Result := False;
    pdf := TWPPDFExport.Create(nil);
    pdf.DLLName := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(Application.exename)) + 'wPDF300A.dll';
    pdf.Source := reMerge; // re Merge = TWPRickText
    pdf.AutoLaunch := False;
    pdf.FontMode := wpEmbedSubsetTrueType_UsedChar;
    pdf.FileName := fileName;
    Result := True;

    If I comment out the line "pdf.print;", the applicaiton sails throguh with no issues for thousands of iterations.

    Am I implementing wrong or is there a defect in PDF.print that possibly was fixed?

    I am using Delphi 2010.
    WPDF tool version = 3.62
    WPDF300A.dll version =

    Thank you for Info

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I would recommend to use the latest wPDF V3. There is no known Memory leak in wPDF and it was also tested for a use like this.

    But the leak can also be somewhere else - The Print also reformats the text by calling WPTools.

    Better do NOT create the pdfExport for each individual file - just use one instance and call Print. The loading and unloading of the engine can cause trouble and is inefficient.