wPDF .NET: Broken Images when using Canvas.DrawImage()

  • Hi,

    i just noticed that all images that are drawn by PDFControl.Canvas.Image() are not displayed correctly and not the same size as when draw by PDFControl.DrawImage().
    However, if i extract the drawn pictures from the PDF (via copy&paste) and compare them. There are no errors and both have the same size.
    I have to print directly to the Graphics-Object (PDFControl.Canvas) in my Project, so there's no way i could directly use PDFControl.DrawImage().

    Look at this: http://www.softicesoft.ch/example.pdf
    First image is correct, the second one is broken.

    Code used for attached PDF:

    Any Ideas?


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    the second was smaller in the PDF than the first. This usually does not happen, except there happen some down scaling through the Canvas.Draw. In all my tests, the bitmaps sty exactly the same, at least if they are use 3*8 bit color.
