PDF as Watermark

  • Hello
    2 question about PDF Watermark

    1.) Can i delete the watermark which i applied with COMPDF_LoadFileAsWatermark and COMPDF_ApplyWatermark?
    I didn't find a function and a COMPDF_ApplyWatermark with 0 didn't change anything ...

    2.) Is there an function without a visual PDF, for Load and Apply a PDF as Watermark?
    I need it for the WPPDF component to apply a PDF File as watermark, and i don't want to vreate every time a PDFViewer if i export a page to pdf

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    1) No, you cannot delete a watermark at present.

    2) The latest edition has a possibility to create a non-visual pdfworkbech object which supports most commands.

    This are the functions the DLL exports:

    function pdfWorkbenchCreate( licname, lickey: PWideChar; liccode: Cardinal ) : Pointer; stdcall;
    function pdfWorkbenchFree( workbench : Pointer ) : Integer; stdcall;
    function pdfWorkbenchLoad( workbench : Pointer; Filename : PWideChar; Append, InMemory : Integer ) : Integer; stdcall;
    function pdfWorkbenchCommand( workbench : Pointer; commandid : Integer; intpar : Integer; strpar : PWideChar; ptr : Pointer ) : Integer; stdcall;

    This is how I tested it

    The function pointers wpview_pdfWorkbenchLoad are initialized as usual in wpviewpdf3.pas.
