WPCubed GmbH
Wordprocessing and PDF components 



WPTools 9.2.001 has been published. You can order the upgrade here. WPTools 9.2 includes improved SVG support (2 new components). We have improved the editor, touch support and UNDO. There is a new formatting algorithm and lots of other improvements.


WPTools 9.2.000 has been published.


WPViewPDF V4.8.5 is available. We enhanced the image support and updated the libraries the engine is using.


WPTools 9.1.900 has been published. It includes various improvements.


WPTools 9.1.800 has been published. It includes support for Delphi 10.4 various improvements.


WPViewPDF V4.8.3.0 is available. It includes a fix of possible AV in the DLL after a project was opened and page controls were used. There was a problem in the 64 bit edition of the MakeImage DLL which has been fixed. Command(Set_PaintMode, 16) can be used to disable rendering of all annotations.


WPViewPDF V4.8.2.9 is available.
It is no possible to pass a parent window handle to be used by the commands PrintDialog and SetupPrinter. We improved the acroform handling and color space decoding.


WPTools 9.1.020 has been published. It now includes a new event handler OnDrawUnderline which makes it not only possible to draw custom underlines for hyperlinks but also detect their position for special mouse handling. Please see "history.txt" for other changes.


TextDynamic 7.62 has been published. It improves the support for JPEG embedded in HTML, improves the DocX support, the PDF engine and adds a command to delete fields, bookmarks and hyperlinks.


WPViewPDF V4.8.2.5 is available. It solves a rare problem with inline images.
WPTools Version 9.1 is available now.
The manual has been updated, it describes the update, the new and old features in detail.

A) General
* updated and revised manual
* new sample code
* many code improvements, stability and handling enhancements

B) Installation
* we gave up the separation in runtime (RT) and design time (DS) packages to simplify the installation
because the dependency to the RT package caused some trouble in the past.
If you work with a WPTools 8 package, you can compile it with WPTools 9. Just make sure the compiler symbol
WP9 is defined.

B) GUI improvements
++ we provide all new glyphs are various resolutions and with the PRO version the SVG vector source
++ much enhanced WPImageList. It now also supportes vertical and horizontally arranged gylphs.
Using the property editor (doubleclick) multiple files can be loaded into the Images collection.
Also supported now are overlay rectangles for colors.
++ improved InsertSymbol dialog
* The WPTools property editor now also supports the dark
style in the Delphi IDE ($define DARKTHEME in package options)
* Using the global variable WPDrawRectWithBitmap_bitmap the shading can be customized (BMP or PNG)
+ improved glyph drawing code for TWPToolButtons
+ ViewOptionsEx2: wpNoBlueRectsAroundHeaderFooterWhileEditing
+ ViewOptionsEx2: wpNoBlueRectsAroundTextboxWhileEditing
+ ViewOptionsEx2: wpPaintSymbolTextObjectsUsingD2D (for Emoji)
+ EditOptionsEx2: wpDontEnterHeaderOnClick
+ EditOptionsEx2: wpDontEnterFooterOnClick
- improvement of auto hyperlink creation

+++ included GLYPH files

+ TParagraph.SetText now returns the paragraph itself for nested assignments
+ TParagraph.Append (3 overloads) now return the paragraph itself for nested assignments
+ TParagraph.SetProperty(WPAT_Code: Byte; Value: Integer) : TParagraph;
+ function InputTextbox
+ GotoBody - to leave editing a layer, such as text box
+ new colspan parameter in TParagraph.AppendNewCell
function TParagraph.AppendNewCell(DontCopyStyle: Boolean = FALSE;colspan:Integer = 1): TParagraph;
+ TWPRTFDataBlock.LoadFromString
* TWPRTFDataBlock.LoadFromStream now also has FormatString paramater
+ function GetSelStartEnd

+++ many improvements to make API more intuitive.

D) TableProducer
+ improved data access code
+ easier creation of template in code (for scripted creation)
+ new sample application
+ property AutoSelectEditMode in TWPBlockTemplateDB

+ support for chars>$FFFF
+ support for Emoji painting
+ improved HTML reading and writing
+ improved RTF reading and writing
++ function InputSymbol

F) Formatting
* Usually vertical alignment only works in cells which are not separated by a page break.
Now vertical bottom alignment in table rows which span 2 pages is supported if the larger cell(s)
are positioned left to the aligned cell and if the aligned cell only contains one paragraph.

+ FormatOptionsEx2: wpfAutomaticHeaderOnEachPage;
+ FormatOptionsEx2: wpfNeverLookForInheritedHeaderFooterInSections
+ TWPPagePropertyRange: wpraOnGivenPageNr
- Improvement in selection inherited section header/footer

G) Property Grids
++ AppendPropertyGrid
++ AppendPropertyRow
++ checkbox inplace editors

H) Compatibility enhancements
+ copy HTML format to clipboard - this makes it possible to paste formatted text inside Chrome
Requires activation in property ClipboardOptions: wpcoAlsoCopyHTML
+ RTF reader converts many Emoji codes to Symbols
* the HTML reader now reads 'target' property of links
* improved compatibility when saving RTF with nested tables
* improved RTF reading when loading section properties